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Educational & Research Post

License to Trade: Applying James Bond’s Skills to the Markets
James Bond. Suave, sophisticated, and undeniably skilled at navigating high-stakes situations. While his primary focus is international espionage, many of 007's traits and tactics can be surprisingly applicable to the world of trading. No, we're not suggesting you...

Squid Game Meets Wall Street: How to Survive and Thrive in the Trading Arena
Let’s get one thing straight: trading is a lot like Squid Game. It’s brutal, it’s unpredictable, and only the strongest survive. But here’s the difference—unlike the contestants in the show, you don’t have to leave your fate to chance. If you play your cards...

Decoding the Wizards: Key Lessons from the Market Wizards Series
Jack Schwager's Market Wizards series is a treasure trove of insights from some of the world's most successful traders. These books offer a rare glimpse into the minds of individuals who have consistently outperformed the market, revealing their strategies,...

7 Rules of No BS Money Management in the Stock Market
7 Rules of Money Management in the Stock Market: Let’s get one thing straight: the stock market isn’t a casino, and if you’re treating it like one, you’re already losing. Winning in the market isn’t about luck—it’s about strategy, discipline, and knowing how to play...

Interviewing the BullMarket.Pro Team: Trading Wisdom from the Pros
If you’re looking for motivation to take your trading game to the next level, you’re in the right place. I sat down with our powerhouse team at BullMarket.Pro, a group of traders who’ve not only are veterans of the markets but have also built a reputation for turning...

Interviewing Sir Chartist: The Wall Street Trader Who Masters the Charts
Interviewing Sir Chartist: The Wall Street Trader Who Masters the Charts If you’ve ever wondered what separates the best traders from the rest, you’re about to find out. I sat down with Sir Chartist, a Wall Street legend known for his uncanny ability to read charts...